Saturday, 24 August 2019

Pet Dragons Part Two

Nostalgia for Infinity, my PD 2 Dragon

Just over 3760 days ago I started playing Pet Dragons 2. This was late in the day, there were so many people attempting to play the new game that I had to wait until after work to do so (or maybe I did at lunch time), and after choosing a place to live on the world map, the dragon egg hatched and there was Nostalgia for Infinity.

Pet Dragons 2 had the same basic game play, players trained their dragons, they attacked other dragons but could only do so in a certain size range, and friendly dragons could try and assist someone being attacked. It was, however, a much more complicated game.

Screen shot of Nosti after the game stopped.
While some clan mates from the Order had done playtesting, along with other experienced trainers from across PD1, I had not and it took some time to orientate myself to the new game. Amongst the changes were; there were many more statistics, from replacing the old fighting strength, speed and vision affected the agility of the dragon, which determined hitting and missing, strength affected the amount of damage done, health the number of hit points, there were elements that the dragon could learn, a world map for dragons to choose their cave location, a stealth statistic, and a multiple opponent statistic, that affected how well a dragon fought when there three in a fight, not two.

Trinity, who never collected gold, and focussed on a high multiple opponent score

 The terrain that a dragon's cave was located, and the element of the dragon affected the benefits gained from training.

Table showing adjustment for Ice dragons by terrain type.

There were some features that added to the game, but were not about game play as such, the ability to make friends within the game, not affecting facebook friend status, and the message facility that allowed dragons to communicate with each other in game, but also allowed for multiple player threads, creating a social aspect to the game.

BRT the founder of the Order of the Rose
There was meant to be an in game clan function, that included clan versus clan combat, with the aim of raiding the clan's treasury. Unfortunately late in play testing that feature proved to be broken and it was never implemented. So the organisation of clans remained outside of the game.

Kali, an admin for the Order
There are no statistics for the clans, and without the official clan versus clan mini game there can be no reliable statistics. However, the Order rarely missed an assist, and many of the assistants for the clan had an overall winning record when assisting.

LJ an admin for the Order
There are multiple reasons why the Order had such a good record when assisting. We were ultra organised. I have never been that good at keeping chaos at bay, luckily several of the admins for the order were very good at it. When the game was in full swing we had a database of every dragon that had ever attacked an order member. We had an ingame intelligence thread, where people reported the element of any dragon they had seen, and then several of the admins would  transfer this information to the data base. This was important because having the right assistant element for any given attack was very useful. We also had members around the globe, so while trainers might sleep the Order never slept.

After some years the game play element of Pet Dragons diminished, but by then I had made a number of friends through the game. I have met several of the dragon trainers in real life. We have shared joy for each other, and shared grief as people playing the game died.

Finally the reason I kept playing the game was The Tavern. Char the Sky Pirate and Scales were the other ever present members of the Tavern, Nosti would often eat breakfast there, and spend long evenings eating wonderful food and drinking merlot. So a final toast from Nosti to Pet Dragons and the Tavern.

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